Monday, May 14, 2012

Marc Andreessen Visits Peter Thiel?s Stanford Class To Talk Startups, How He Invests & The Future

Screen shot 2012-05-12 at 9.01.17 PMIt wasn't so long ago that Peter Thiel began publicly pushing the somewhat controversial idea that higher education is in a bubble, or launching an initiative to help smart young people "stop out of school." For these reasons, Thiel's decision to teach a higher ed course was unexpected, even controversial. Last month, he began teaching a class at Stanford called "Computer Science 183: Startup." One of his students, Blake Masters, provides a glimpse into Thiel's lectures through his comprehensive class notes. Masters has turned his notes into essays and posted them on his blog, one of which is a fascinating conversation between the investor and Marc Andreessen on the past, present, and future of the tech industry, which we've highlighted herein.

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